16th October 2024

Search North Leverton With Habblesthorpe Parish Council

Serving the people of North Leverton With Habblesthorpe

Financial Information

All documents available under finance and audit on documents page.

Payments and Receipts


The Precept is that element of your Council Tax that is paid to North Leverton with Habblesthorpe Parish Council

Every December, the Responsible Finance Officer oversees the drawing up of the Parish Council budgets to accurately establish how much funding the PC will require from Bassetlaw District Council (BDC) for the forthcoming financial year. The budget figures are formally ratified at the January Parish Council meeting and BDC informed of the funding requirement needed (Precept).

CIL- Community Infrastructure Levy Annual Reports

All items of expenditure over £100

Finance and Audits

All Finance Documents are available under Finance & Audit on documents page.

Last updated: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 13:44